The Value of Membership
Reach, Teach, and Inspire.
You are never on your own. Your membership connects you with the best and brightest teachers
Become a HEA Member!
Are you certificated staff at HUSD but not yet a HEA member?
Sign-up today! join.cta.org
CTA Membership Cards
CTA Cards are sent to members' address-on-file through the CTA Educator Magazine in October/November. If you did not received your card, have misplaced it, or have had an address change, please contact the HEA Office and we will update your information and have CTA send you a new card.
Health Insurance
If have questions about your health insurance, please contact the District Office at (510) 784-2600 or your HUSD Benefits Specialist.
Human Resources
If you have questions about personnel issues, please call the District Office at (510) 784-2600.
For last names A-J, call Marie Salta-Ramos at ext. 72709 or email: msalta@husd.k12.ca.us.
For last names K-Z, call Annette Higares-Rodriguez at ext. 72690 or email: ahigares@husd.k12.ca.us.
Retirement Benefits
If you have questions about your retirement benefits, call CalSTRS at 1-800-228-5453. Office hours are M-F from 8-5. They are located at: 3945 Freedom Circle, Suite 350, Santa Clara, CA 95054. Or visit: www.calstrs.com​​
2024-2025 Conferences and Workshops
Membership in Action
Stand Up * Stand Strong * Stand Together

Members Wearing Green in Support of the Bargaining Team!

Members Wearing Green in Support of the Bargaining Team!

HEA Day of Action, February 17 2017

Members Wearing Green in Support of the Bargaining Team!